Rob Ryan is Rad.

Nation State Presents the Rob Ryan Collection

In spirit of You Crafty Bastard, Teaspoon of Sugar Emporium have gone above and beyond to find the most radical designs possible. A few weeks ago, I landed myself in the humble city of Perth for business pursuits and I stumbled into the underground indie scene that spread through the inner city suburb of Northbridge. An excess of delightful, funky hip shops stocking the latest wares and trends of local and international designers flooded the terrace lopped streets and I found myself in a boulevard of wonderful desires.

These desires soon turned to needs as I found a stellar design by a swanky man named ROB RYAN. With You Crafty Bastard in mind, I fell in love. I fell deep and straight down, until I returned home to Sydney and finally could not live without this groovy piece to add to my collection. I mean, if everyone else is doing, who is to stop me from being square.

Mad hatter style, I found a snazzy website that stocked Rob Ryan. Who doesn’t shop online these days are so far behind the eight ball, plus I love the mystery of a parcel arriving at my door. In my pursuit I landed on a killer stationary website called NATIONSTATE. Being a ridiculous, overzealous and overexpended stationary fanatic, I was glowing and shiny with excitement for a decent site that stocked brands like Moleskine, as well as specialised stationary designs, homeware products and every heavenly stationary delight known to man.

Rob Ryan’s collection of ceramic plates are whimsical, cultural art pieces which you can eat off, store up high away from pesky, playful kittens and stare at for days because they are just so damn cool! The London based designer has talent, and sure is making great impressions in the international cool kids club.

You can view the Nation State Collection here!

You can view the Rob Ryan Collection here!