Self – Titled


Claire Nakazawa is a (totally) cool underground street artist you should all know. Taking your mere painting to the next level, she mixes all forms of art, poetry and music to channel in and produce nothing less than amazing works.
Her latest exhibition In the Middle of the Road is an experiment of self exploration. This title chosen for it’s literal translation of Nakazawa in Kanji, a Japanese dialect, representing half of Claire’s heritage and person. Teamed under the heading “indie” her artistic style merges childlike creations of cartoonistry with beautiful, creative expressions of humanity, identity, sexuality and connection. Full colour wheels exploded on her canvas and didn’t stop to take a breath. This beautiful maze and mesh work of lines, colour and objects.
There’s something beautiful in self expression and portrait work. It’s honesty and naturalness, all would be something any person would be slightly intimidated by. But not Claire! She envisaged the exhibition as a collaboration of self and all of her success up to this point, a closing of a chapter if you will.
Showcased at Redfern’s creative space, 107 Projects all through November, it’s definitely something that will be a delight. The galleries community feel, connection to the people and cool vibe were all things Claire loved and would highlight her work.
It’s grungy and above all, trendy. Really, its art for all. Pure, simple, beyond what you imagine, and so bloody cool you’ll have trouble deciding which one to take home.

The Details
In the Middle of the Road by Claire Nakazawa
107 Projects (107 Redfern St, Redfern)
Thursday through Sunday from Midday til Five
All free, unless you spend a buck or two on her amazing works.


Drop It Like It’s Hot

The lovely Emma from Dear Pluto is hosting her first pop shop this Saturday and Sunday at 106 Pitt Street, Redfern.

With our common love for quality vintage, we are super excited to see what new things Dear Pluto have in stall for us. We sure know that by all chance Emma will pull together a sweet ol’ weekend with the occasional lemon lemonade and swingin’ tunes.

One things for sure, there will be bargains! Vintage all under $50 is too good to miss. All one of a kind’s once it’s gone it’s gone. So make sure you get there bright and early.