Ladies: A Call to Arms! Pin Up Perfect Eyebrows


I don’t know if you have noticed, but there has been a trend starting. I noticed this when I met a lovely friend of a friend, who was ultra hip and just so happened to be a fashion designer with the most beautiful and perfect eyebrows I had ever seen.
Not too long after, another lady graced me with immaculate beauty skills and the most perfect eyebrows as well. You must now know I am describing the new trend of immaculately groomed and beautiful thick eyebrows. It’s very vintage, very 60s and very feminine.

Here’s how you can achieve this look (via Pin Up Passion)!

1) Outline the bottom with eyebrow pencil of your choice

2) Outline the top

3) Fill in leaving the inner part little bit blank

4) Using an angled brush fill in with a matching Matte eyeshadow

5) Remove excess of product on your brush and brushing upwards gently fill in the blank spot for a “natural look” (or use a clean mascara wand to brush out your eye brows and get rid of excess product)

6) Using a concealer brush clean the edges with a little bit of concealer

7) Blend in the concealer and you’re done!